
Kristian Ebenezer

Kristian Ebenezer (aka) Phantom Boss is a Bangalore based strength coach and the man behind The infamous Phantom Workout. He Co-Owns The OutFit – India’s first functional training facility. There are currently 3 facilities in Bangalore.

Kristian’s philosophy is more on the lines of Mental Conditioning. A Strong mind is the key to having a strong Physique. His programs include:

Phantom 21: it takes 21 days to break a takes 21 days to change your lifestyle..for good. P21 is a 21 day fitness challenge across all Outfit gyms in Bangalore where people come to compete to get fitter. The Fittest athlete walks home with 50k cash prize.

Phantom Strength : An old school strength routine that focuses on all the foundational lifts to help the athlete progress towards reaching his/her goal in adding muscle and becoming stronger

Phantom Shred : A workout routine to get lean or get ripped. It’s Conducted over a period of 4 weeks (12 sessions) focuses equally on strength and conditioning that targets fat loss and helps gain lean muscle mass.

Kristian and OutFit co Founder Huzefa Talib are in the process of starting their own Phantom L1 fitness certification in India.